Disciplines International


Within BPMC I have executed the following Positions:

  • Head technical services at Vivera Holten; (from 2018)
  • Management responsible for building a new production plant for Enkco Holten; (2018)
  • Director calamities at Vivera Holten; (2017-2018)
  • Projectmanager for implementing a production registration system for VION; (2017)
  • For SFK Leblanc, leader in Slaughtering systems, my function was head of project management. Within this role I was responsible for was ik verantwoordelijk voor het opzetten van de projectmethodiek en orgenisatie en vervolgens voor de uitvoering van alle lopende projecten binnen SFK Leblanc.

    Bij Saab Technologies, devisie Marine, was ik teammanager projectmanagement. Vanuit deze functie verantwoordelijk voor de methodiek van de lopende projecten in deze afdeling.

    In de afgelopen 20 jaar heb ik voor HITT Traffic en Saab Technologies als manager projecten geleid op de volgende gebieden:

    In the past 20 years I have led as a project manager projects in the following areas:

    • Vessel Traffic Systems (VTS);
    • Surface Movement and Guiding Systems (SMGS) on airports;
    • Platform guiding systems for oil platforms;
    • Coastguard radar systemen;
    • Equipment for slaughtery systems and meat processing;
    • Water treatment plants;
    • Several projects in area op industrial automation and registration.


The projects I have led have been performed the following countries:

  • The Netherlands;
  • Netherlands Antilles;
  • Belgium;
  • Poland;
  • Estonia;
  • Latvia;
  • Lithuania;
  • Russia;
  • China;
  • Taiwan;
  • Singapore.

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